Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's Done!

I finished my quilt!  Wooohooo!  It feels good to have it completed! And even though it's far from perfect, I'm happy with the way it turned out.

I took this opportunity to pray for the little girl who will someday cuddle under it's warmth and softness.
Praying for God to comfort her and protect her, to provide her with love, and most importantly to give her a knowledge of Himself.

I'm sending the quilt off to Amy, and eventually it will find it's way to Uganda.  That's a cool thought!

If you know how to quilt, or would like to try your hand at it, I'd encourage you to join Amy in her mission to provide quilts for Ugandan orphans.  I'm so glad I did!


  1. What an awesome way to start my Monday! Thank you SO MUCH!

  2. I had to just come back and look at it again! I just love it so much. I love the fabric on the back. So soft. What great fabric choices!

    I know... I'm obsessed :)
