Friday, June 25, 2010

Grandparents Matter

This not a current picture.  Just one I love.  And look at that sweet baby!  He's getting ready to turn 3!

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my parents moving near us. Really. Near.

Ben and I moved to this area 8 years ago.  At the time, we had been married for 5 years.  The first 3 living in a tenant house that belonged to his parents, and was just up the road from their farm out in the country in the central part of the state.  The second 2 years we lived in SC while he finished up his college career after a 4 year furlough.

It was while we were there that God led us to step out on faith and move to this area.  It wasn't for a job...we came up with none.  It wasn't for a home...we came up to rent an apartment that we put a deposit on sight unseen.  Big mistake.  But that is a whole 'nother story.  Believe me!  It wasn't to be near one we loved or even knew was here.   Our families were both 3 1/2 hours away.

We were blessed to be invited to help our friends as they moved here to start a church.  Thankfully, they arrived a little less than 3 months after we did.  It was pretty lonely here those first few months.  They were our family to us during that time.  Especially once we had our first son, during that second year here.  2 1/2 years later we welcomed twin boys.  12 months after that we welcomed our youngest son, giving us 4 boys... ages 3 1/2 and under. and 2 weeks before that our friends moved away.

People often would ask me then how we did it with 4 little boys so close in age with no family around to help.  (My sister did move here briefly during the time our youngest was born.  But we scared her back to the city. haha.)
Now I look back and wonder the same thing.
But what I do know is God got us through.  But it was hard.  Really hard at times.

But last June 26th, after 5 1/2 years of parenting our boys without extended family nearby, God allowed us the privilege of having Nana and Papa come to live right next door to us.  My boys get to have their grandparents be a part of their everyday life.  I love that.  I always wished I had seen my own grandparents more, and had a closer relationship with them.

And, I must say, it is a huge blessing to have their help.  Thinking about how much I've depended on my mom this last year, it is hard to think about how I did it with out her.  Those lonely years just go to show you that God will never give you more than you can handle.  Because He can handle anything.

old pic of Dad and Mom with the boys, back when they used to have to take a vacation to see them

So, Mom and Dad, happy 1st anniversary of living next door to us.  We hope we haven't driven you completely crazy!  And thanks for all you do!  And thanks for all your loving on and caring for the boys!  They are blessed to have you in their lives every day. Grandparents Matter!

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